Perks of Being a (Former) Employee
September 9, 2016
Art of Looking Sideways
September 6, 2017
Perks of Being a (Former) Employee
September 9, 2016
Art of Looking Sideways
September 6, 2017

Hjælp: Help others

“Hjælp” (Danish for: help) is a project whose message and goal is to shift some focus from ‘self’ to ‘help’.

The project is inspired by everyday observations in various urban settings as well as the current political and social climate in Kingdom of Denmark.
A significant part of voting body in “the happiest nation on earth” appears to be driven by self-serving choices and we as a society should perhaps be focusing more on equality. This can be achieved in many ways, but starting point could be by helping those who need help the most, right now and even in a society as rich as ours, there is plenty to work with.

This project is, in all its simplicity, a humble way of trying to shad some light on some of these many issues. Hjælp does this, not by creating a visually outstanding piece of design, but by simply trying to catch people’s attention by combining the urban setting with the digital one.

Urban setting

I’ve created simple flyers and hang them different places in the city of Copenhagen. Flyers are analog channel of communication and we decided to play further on the idea by adding the cut-offs at the bottom. Placed on those are homepage addresses of SOME of charity organizations. The idea was to play on the well-known flyers form from before the digitalization and in with that retro-feel catch the passers-bys’ eye.
The interplay between the urban and digital setting is further strengthen by the design of the rest of the flyer, which clearly plays on the digital aspect and Google search engine in particular.

Digital setting

Google aspect of the design is there to remind us on how easy it is nowadays to find ways to help those who need it. Besides the digital aspects of the flyer design, digital channels on their own, play the significant part of the project as well. The flyer communicates links to several homepages as well as “#hjælpandre” (Danish for: help others) hashtag, which will hopefully accompany the the pictures on social media posts.
Last but not least the flyer includes a QR code, which, if scanned, links to the page, where anyone can download the PDF version of the flyer, which they then can print out themselves and hang around their city.