Thank You for the Music
November 21, 2015
Working at Nordic Houseware Group
March 27, 2016
Thank You for the Music
November 21, 2015
Working at Nordic Houseware Group
March 27, 2016

As anticipated, working for Nordic Houseware Group shaped up to be a extremely interesting time in my life. After more than a decade in marketing it is challenging and rewarding to work in a product development department. It has given me a whole new understanding of the process, but it has also given a new depth to my understanding of marketing.
Working at this very company has also developed my design skills ans understanding of design.

Room Copenhagen (part of Nordic Houseware Group) is an unique company which manages to translate their Nordic roots into designs for world renowned brands hailing from all over the world.
How do you mach all these different brands into one portfolio and how do you give them unmistakable Nordic Room Copenhagen flair?

Well that's one of Room Copenhagen's skills and one that is hard to describe. Perhaps you need to be part of the process to understand it. I'm glad that I for over a year now have been part of this environment which has most certainly improved me as a professional and a person.

Gallery images by Room Copenhagen.
