Art of Looking Sideways – Part 2
May 17, 2018
Passion for Passion in Music
March 25, 2019
Art of Looking Sideways – Part 2
May 17, 2018
Passion for Passion in Music
March 25, 2019

So long and hello again, Pantone

Since starting at Nordic Houseware Group I had pleasure of working with brands such as LEGO, Star Wars, Warner Bros., Disney , Paulfrank among others. Another brand I had distinctive pleasure of working with is Pantone, and as a graphic designer one can’t help, but be honored by working with “the master of colors”.

Room Copenhagen (part of NHG) has been Pantone partner for years now and my job was creating labels, packaging, catalogues, posters, ads, fair visuals, image optimizations etc.

But now that era has come to an end as the Pantone Living is moving on from Room Copenhagen and becoming the part of the newly established company COPENHAGEN DESIGN.
One of the last tasks for Pantone Living was creating their annual catalogue. You can see the catalogue below.

Working with Pantone and Pantone Living was fun and educational and I'm honored to say that my work for Pantone Living will continue in form of freelance work. They might not be part of the company I work at, but that doesn't mean that I can help them out as a freelancer.

I'm looking so much forward to continue working with this unique brand.

Keep an eye on